A Not-for-Profit Research & Resource Centre

Motivational Video Highlighting the Power of a Meaningful Goal

I absolutely love this video! It’s incredibly inspiring! Witness how setting a meaningful goal can motivate you to take the necessary steps to achieve it. This man’s success story highlights the power of mental focus and the importance of performing daily, specific exercises. Take a look and be inspired! – Dr. Carlo Ammen


Chriopractic Australia: ICareChiroCast presents Dr. Carlo Ammendolia

An Interview about Dr. Carlo Ammendolia presented by Icarechirocast: Dr Carlo Ammendolia is the Director of the Spine Clinic and

Chiropractic Management of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis with Carlo Ammendolia

Dr. Ammendolia and I discuss chiropractic care and lumbar spinal stenosis including a randomized controlled trial involving stenosis bootcamp. Listen

Low Back Pain: Causes and Treatments

Low Back Pain: Causes and Treatments Eighty percent of the population will experience low back pain in their lifetime, and

Back Care Canada

Better Manage Your Symptoms and Make Informed Treatment Decisions Learn how to better manage your symptoms and make informed decisions

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