A Not-for-Profit Research & Resource Centre

Institute Health Economics

The Institute of Health Economics (IHE) is an independent, not-for-profit organization specializing in health economics, health technology assessment, and knowledge transfer and exchange.

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ON Spinal chat with Dr. Carlo Ammendolia

In this episode, gain practical insights and research-backed approaches for assessing, diagnosing, and treating patients with spinal stenosis and various

Chiropractic Management of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis with Carlo Ammendolia

Dr. Ammendolia and I discuss chiropractic care and lumbar spinal stenosis including a randomized controlled trial involving stenosis bootcamp. Listen

Dr. Mike Evans for Low Back Pain

Discover Effective Solutions for Low Back Pain with Dr. Mike Evans Explore valuable insights on low back pain from Dr.

Chriopractic Australia: ICareChiroCast presents Dr. Carlo Ammendolia

An Interview about Dr. Carlo Ammendolia presented by Icarechirocast: Dr Carlo Ammendolia is the Director of the Spine Clinic and

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